• L. Karl Branting, Data-centric and logic-based models for automated legal problem solving, AI & Law Journal, Springer (2017). HTML
Abstract: Logic-based approaches to legal problem solving model the rule-governed nature of legal argumentation, justification, and other legal discourse but suffer from two key obstacles: the absence of efficient, scalable techniques for creating authoritative representations of legal texts as logical expressions; and the difficulty of evaluating legal terms and concepts in terms of the language of ordinary discourse. Data-centric techniques can be used to finesse the challenges offormalizing legal rules and matching legal predicates with the language of ordinary parlance by exploiting knowledge latent in legal corpora. However, these techniques typically are opaque and unable to support the rule-governed discourse needed for persuasive argumentation and justification. This paper distinguishes representative legal tasks to which each approach appears to be particularly well suited and proposes a hybrid model that exploits the complementarity of each.
  • L. Karl Branting, Context-Sensitive Detection of Local Community Structure, Social Network Analysis and Mining, 1869-5450:1-11, Springer (2011). Mitre Portal
Abstract: Local methods for detecting community structure are necessary when a graph's size or node-expansion cost make global community-detection methods infeasible. Various algorithms for local community detection have been proposed, but there has been little analysis of the circumstances under which one approach is preferable to another. This paper describes an evaluation comparing the accuracy of five alternative local community-detection algorithms in detecting two distinct types of community structures—vertex partitions that maximize modularity, and link clusters that maximize partition density—in a variety of graphs. In this evaluation, the algorithm that most accurately identified modularity-maximizing community structure in a given graph depended on how closely the graph's degree distribution approximated a power-law distribution. When the target community structure was partition-density maximization, however, an algorithm based on spreading activation generally performed best, regardless of degree distribution.
  • L. Karl Branting, Information Theoretic Criteria for Community Detection, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 5498, Proceedings of SNA-KDD 2008, to appear 2010.  PDF (237K, 17 pages)
Abstract: Many algorithms for finding community structure in graphs search for a partition that maximizes modularity. However, recent work has identified two important limitations of modularity as a community quality criterion: a resolution limit; and a bias towards finding equal-sized communities. Information-theoretic approaches that search for partitions that minimize description length are a recent alternative to modularity. This paper shows that two information-theoretic algorithms are them- selves subject to a resolution limit, identifies the component of each approach that is responsible for the resolution limit, proposes a variant, SGE (Sparse Graph Encoding), that addresses this limitation, and demonstrates on three artificial data sets that (1) SGE does not exhibit a resolution limit on sparse graphs in which other approaches do, and that (2) modularity and the compression-based algorithms, including SGE, behave similarly on graphs not subject to the resolution limit.
  • L. Karl Branting, A Reduction-Graph Model of Precedent in Legal Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, 150(1-2):59-95, (November 2003). ACM Portal
Abstract: Legal analysis is a task underlying many forms of legal problem solving. In the Anglo-American legal system, legal analysis is based in part on legal precedents, previously decided cases. This paper describes a reduction-graph model of legal precedents that accounts for a key characteristic of legal precedents: a precedent's relevance to subsequent cases is determined by the theory under which the precedent is decided. This paper identifies the implementation requirements for legal analysis using the reduction-graph model of legal precedents and describes GREBE, a program that satisfies these requirements.
  • L. Karl Branting, Learning Feature Weights from Customer Return-Set Selections, The Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) 6(2) March (2004). PDF (1,199K, 16 pages)
      Abstract: This paper describes LCW, a procedure for learning customer preferences represented as feature weights by observing customers' selections from return sets. An empirical evaluation on simulated customer behavior indicated that uninformed hypotheses about customer weights lead to low ranking accuracy unless customers place some importance on almost all features or the total number of features is quite small. In contrast, LCW's estimate of the mean preferences of a customer population improved as the number of customers increased, even for larger numbers of features of widely differing importance. This improvement in the estimate of mean customer preferences led to improved prediction of individual customer's rankings, irrespective of the extent of variation among customers and whether a single or multiple retrievals were permitted. The experimental results suggest that the return set that optimizes benefit may be smaller for customer populations with little variation than for customer populations with wide variation.
  • L. Karl Branting, Name-Matching Algorithms for Legal Case-Management Systems, The Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT) 2002(1). JILT 2002 Portal
Abstract: Name matching - recognizing when two different strings are likely to denote the same entity, is essential for automatic detection of conflicts of interest in legal case-management systems (LCMSs). Unfortunately, most name-matching algorithms developed for LCMSs are proprietary and are therefore not amenable to independent evaluation, improvement, or comparison. This paper proposes a three-step framework for name matching in LCMSs, identifies how each step in the framework addresses the naming variations that typically arise in LCMSs, describes several alternative approaches to each step, and evaluates the performance of various combinations of the alternatives on a representative collection of names drawn from a United States District Court LCMS. The best tradeoff between accuracy and efficiency in this LCMS was achieved by algorithms that standardize capitalization, spacing, and punctuation; filter redundant terms; index using an abstraction function that is both order-insensitive and tolerant of small numbers of omissions or additions; and compare names in a symmetrical, word-by-word fashion.
  • L. Karl Branting, An Advisory System for Pro Se Protection Order Applicants, International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 14(3), (2000). PDF (5,180K, 21 pages)
Abstract: Pro se litigants constitute a growing burden to the judiciary. Advisory systems designed to help litigants understand the available legal remedies and satisfy the substantive and procedural requirements to obtain those remedies have the potential to reduce this burden. This paper presents a four-component model of advisory systems for pro se litigants. This model was implemented in the Protection Order Advisory (POA), an advisory system for pro se Protection Order applicants. POA illustrates how existing inference, document-drafting, and interface-design techniques can be used to construct advisory systems for pro se litigants in a wide range of legal domains for which (1) determining whether a prima facie case is satisfied does not require open-textured reasoning, and (2) the documents required to initiate an action are characterized by homogeneity and simple structure.
  • L. Karl Branting, Techniques for Automated Judicial Document Drafting, International Journal of Law & Information Technology, 6(2):214-229 (1998). PDF (743K, 11 pages)
Abstract: Document drafting is an essential component of judicial problem solving. This paper distinguishes several classes of judicial documents based on (1) the stage of the judicial process in which they are created, (2) the complexity of the documents, and (3) the party who drafts the documents: a judge, judicial support personnel, or a litigant. Three approaches to automated document drafting are identified and the applicability of the these approaches to each class of judicial document is described. The paper concludes with a description of several implemented prototype systems for drafting judicial documents at various stages of the judicial process.
  • L. Karl Branting, James C. Lester, and Charles B. Callaway, Automating Judicial Document Drafting: A Discourse-Based Approach, Artificial Intelligence and Law, 6(2-4):105-110 (1998). PDF 634K, 49 pages)
Abstract: Document drafting is a central judicial problem-solving activity. Development of automated systems to assist judicial document drafting has been impeded by the absence of an explicit model of (1) the connection between the document drafter's goals and the text intended to achieve those goals, and (2) the rhetorical constraints expressing the stylistic and discourse conventions of the document's genre. This paper proposes a model in which the drafter's goals and the stylistic and discourse conventions are represented in a discourse structure consisting of a tree of illocutionary and rhetorical operators with document text as leaves. A document grammar based on the discourse structures of a representative set of documents can be used to synthesize a wide range of additional documents from sets of case facts. The applicability of this model to a representative class of judicial orders--jurisdictional show-cause orders--is demonstrated by illustrating (1) the analysis of show-cause orders in terms of discourse structures, (2) the derivation of a ocument grammar from discourse structures of two typical show-cause orders, and (3) the synthesis of a new show-cause order from the document grammar.
  • L. Karl Branting, John D. Hastings, and Jeffrey A. Lockwood, Integrating Cases and Models for Prediction in Biological Systems, AI Applications 11(1):29-48 (1997). PDF (255K, 31 pages)
Abstract: Many complex biological systems are characterized both by incomplete models and limited empirical data. Accurate prediction of the behavior of such systems requires exploitation of multiple, individually incomplete, knowledge sources. Model-based adaptation is a technique for integrating case-based reasoning with model-based reasoning to predict the behavior of biological systems. This approach is implemented in CARMA, a system for rangeland grasshopper management advising that implements a process model derived from protocol analysis of human expert problem-solving episodes. CARMA's ability to predict the forage consumption judgments of expert pest managers was empirically compared to that of case-based and model-based reasoning techniques in isolation. This evaluation provided initial confirmation for the hypothesis that an integration of model-based and case-based reasoning can lead to more accurate predictions than either technique individually.
  • L. Karl Branting and Pat Broos, Automated Acquisition of User Preferences. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 46:55-77 (1997). PDF (436K, 43 pages)
Abstract: Decision support systems often require knowledge of users' preferences. However, preferences may vary among individual users or be difficult for users to articulate. This paper describes how user preferences can be acquired in the form of preference predicates by a learning apprentice system and proposes two new instance-based algorithms for preference predicate acquisition: 1ARC and Compositional Instance-Based Learning (CIBL). An empirical evaluation using simulated preference behavior indicated that the instance-based approaches are preferable to decision-tree induction and perceptrons as the learning component of a learning apprentice system if representation of the relevant characteristics of problem-solving states requires a large number of attributes, if attributes interact in a complex fashion, or if there are very few training instances. Conversely, decision-tree induction or perceptron learning is preferable if there are a small number of attributes and the attributes do not interact in a complex fashion unless there are very few training instances. When tested as the learning component of a learning apprentice system used by astronomers for scheduling astronomical observations, both CIBL and decision-tree induction rapidly achieved useful levels of accuracy in predicting the astronomers' preferences.
  • John Hastings, Karl Branting, and Jeff Lockwood, A Multi-Paradigm Reasoning System for Rangeland Management. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 16(1):47-67 (1996). PDF 896K, 23 pages)
    Abstract: Polycultural agroecosystems, such as rangelands, are too complex and poorly understood to permit precise numerical simulation. Management decisions that depend on predictions of the behavior of such systems therefore require a variety of knowledge sources and reasoning techniques. Our approach to designing a computer system to provide advice concerning such systems is to incorporate a variety of reasoning paradigms, permitting the computer system to apply whatever reasoning paradigm is most appropriate to each task as it arises in the process of giving advice. This approach is based on a process description of expert human problem solving that uses four different reasoning paradigms: model-based reasoning; case-based reasoning; rule-based reasoning; and probabilistic reasoning. The process description is implemented in CARMA, a computer system for advising ranchers about the best response to rangeland grasshopper infestations. CARMA reflects an approach that attempts to emulate the human ability to integrate multiple knowledge sources and reasoning techniques in a flexible and opportunistic fashion. The goal of this approach is to enable computer systems to optimize the use of the diverse and incomplete knowledge sources and to produce patterns of reasoning that resemble those of human decision makers.
  • L. Karl Branting, A Computational Model of Ratio Decidendi. Artificial Intelligence and Law, 2(1):1-31 (1994). PDF  (476K, 54 pages)
      Abstract: This paper proposes a model of ratio decidendi as a justification structure consisting of a series of reasoning steps, some of which relate abstract predicates to other abstract predicates and some of which relate abstract predicates to specific facts. This model satisfies an important set of characteristics of ratio decidendi identified from the jurisprudential literature. In particular, the model shows how the theory under which a case is decided controls its precedential effect. By contrast, a purely exemplar-based model of ratio decidendi fails to account for the dependency of precedential effect on the theory of decision.